Investing for shared prosperity

What we do

Karandaaz Pakistan is a not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee set up under Section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017. Karandaaz was established in 2014 with seed grant funding from UK Government’s Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office. For its digital financial services work, Karandaaz Pakistan is availing grant funding from the Gates Foundation.

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Karandaaz Capital

Provides wholesale structured credit and equity-linked direct growth capital investments in micro, small and mid-size enterprises that have the potential to contribute to sustainable growth and employment generation in Pakistan.

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Karandaaz Logo

Innovation Investments

Provides risk capital and technical assistance to support innovative solutions aimed at financial inclusion and entrepreneurship especially in marginalized sectors. A key component of the work includes providing business development support and growth capital to women led businesses and green ventures to facilitate their expansion and scale up.

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Karandaaz Digital

Focuses on expanding the access to digital financial services in Pakistan by working across the ecosystem with all stakeholders in the following work areas: digital public infrastructure, payment systems, policy and regulation, seeding innovation, experimentation and solutions development, and scale and outreach.

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Karandaaz Logo

Karandaaz Research

Supports the company’s core financial inclusion goal by developing and disseminating evidence-based insights and solutions to influence markets and the financial ecosystem.

Driving prosperity
through innovation and partnership



MSME financing leveraged via Karandaaz supported facilities*



Additional revenue generated by Karandaaz supported SMEs



Capital provided to 116 women-led enterprises***


Jobs supported**



Spent on digital financial services


MSMEs supported**

*Includes Karandaaz share in both debt and equity instruments

** Includes 850K micro-enterprises and 1,108K jobs supported through Pakistan Microfinance Investment Company (MIC)

*** Includes growth capital, COVID support, business development and capacity building support provided through technical assistance.

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