In 1984, Naila Naqvi, after completing her A-levels, embarks on a life-changing internship at the renowned Avari Hotel in Karachi. From an early age, Naila observed her mother’s skilled baking and dedication to hospitality. They never once considered buying birthday cakes from a bakery; instead, Naila’s mother’s extraordinary baking skills ensured that every birthday was celebrated with a homemade cake, crafted with love and care. Growing up with these experiences ignited a profound passion within her for baking.
The six-month sojourn at Avari, originally intended as a brief post-exam break, would kindle an unwavering passion within her, forever shaping her career trajectory. The bustling kitchens, the meticulous housekeeping routines, and the dynamic energy of the front office – Naila found herself captivated by the intricacies of hospitality operations. This initial introduction to the industry sparked a lifelong commitment and fervour in Naila.