General Terms & Conditions

Karandaaz Pakistan (KRN) is committed to providing the best value for money while upholding the highest standards of fairness, integrity, and transparency under applicable laws, codes, and regulations. KRN procurement practices are a set of principles and strategies that its contractors/partners/vendors and associated undertakings can use to optimize their procurement processes and achieve better results. Here are some key best practices for procurement they are obligated to adopt and implement:

Conflicts of Interest

KRN contractors/partners/vendors shall take steps to ensure that their management and employees, agents, sub-contractors and other relevant third parties understand and avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest situation in their business dealings with KRN at an individual as well as organizational level. Such situations might impair their neutrality and objectivity in the performance of the work(s) contracted with KRN. To preclude or mitigate any conflict of interest situation, they shall promote awareness, conduct due diligence and avoid undertaking any activity that might give rise to a conflict of interest situation. They are required to disclose and obtain KRN’s prior written approval to engage in such activity to avoid or mitigate any potential harm.

Confidentiality of information

All information gathered as a result of participation in the procurement process is kept strictly secret. Any person or agent directly or indirectly engaged in the bidding process who consciously or unconsciously uses any such information for his or her own (or another person’s) actual or foreseeable personal advantage violates ethical norms and liable to termination and other penalties under the applicable laws.

Fraud, Corruption, Bribery, Theft, Terrorist Financing

KRN has a zero-tolerance policy and is dedicated to combating all forms of financial crimes, including fraud, corruption, bribery, theft, terrorist financing, and money laundering. Any form of involvement or accusation of involvement in the aforementioned activities by KRN, its management, personnel, contractors/partners/vendors, and associated undertakings is unacceptable. Any event that may affect or threaten to interfere with the fulfillment of contracts with KRN must be immediately and without undue delay report to KRN by contractors/ partners/vendors. To prevent any fraudulent acts or illegal payments from being offered, made, requested, or received by them or on their behalf concerning their engagement with KRN, KRN business partners are required to put in place efficient measures.

Collusive Practices

If Karandaaz suspects or determines that the bidder, any of its employees, agents, consultants, service providers, suppliers, and/or their employees engaged in dishonest, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructionist tactics in order to compete for the contract in question, Karandaaz will not award the contract and may report it to respective enforcement agencies. During the solicitation phase, Karandaaz will request a declaration of non-collusion and non-corruption practices from each bidder as part of the bidding/ solicitation materials.

Environmental Sustainability, Health, and Safety

In both its everyday operations and other related activities, KRN is committed to pursuing environmental management best practices and minimizing any unfavorable effects on the environment. KRN expects its contractors/partners/vendors and associated undertakings to recognize, comprehend, and actively seek to avoid, minimize, and mitigate any adverse consequences on the environment. This should, whenever possible, entail setting up an environmental policy and management system under the applicable local, provincial national international laws, regulations, and best practices. Moreover, KRN expects its contractors/partners/vendors and associated undertakings to ensure and maintain safe and healthy working conditions identified under domestic as well as international laws, codes, and regulations. Any breach of the aforementioned will give Karandaaz the right to terminate the contract if it is discovered found or if the contractor/partner/vendor fails to notify Karandaaz of the violation as soon as it is discovered.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Any type of sexual harassment is not tolerated at KRN. KRN anticipates that its contractors, partners, vendors, and related undertakings would act with the utmost responsibility, decency, and respect and refrain from any actions that could be construed as sexual harassment of any personnel. If found guilty of sexual harassment in any form under the applicable laws or policies, KRN will be entitled to terminate its contracts with the respective contractors/partners/vendors and associated undertaking, in addition to pursuing legal remedies.

Reporting concern

In case of any grievances or concerns regarding the procurement process, please send them in writing by email to or by post:

Attention: CEO Karandaaz

ddress: Karandaaz Pakistan, 1-E, Mezzanine Floor, Ali Plaza, D Chowk,
Nazimmuddin Road,